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Sharing a Holiday Miracle!

At this unusual holiday season, we would like to share with you a small miracle that will shed some light over these dark days.

Ms. Whatley, 84 years old, was referred to DayBreak’s Rapid Response Case Management Program in mid-October, after being brought to Eden hospital by her 62 years old daughter, Ms. Mixon.

A conversation with Ms. Mixon has revealed that her mom is suffering from dementia, and that they have recently moved to California from New Mexico to live with their only relatives. Due to the mom’s condition, the new living arrangement has failed, and they were asked to leave their new home by the end of the month. With no support system and no place to go, Ms. Mixon felt overwhelmed, and was struggling with continuing to care for her mom.

With such short notice, it was impossible for the two of them to find a place, and at the end of October they called their case manager from a bench in an Oakland park, being homeless and having no place to go to. Our case management team worked out a quick solution for the mom and the daughter, securing them a room in Family Affairs, one of our Independent Living Housing partners. DayBreak purchased basic items for them, and on the same day they moved to their temporary home. We also provided social and emotional calls to the daughter, to support her during these difficult and stressful days.

In mid-December, another miracle has happened, and with the support of our case management team Ms. Mixon and her mom got the keys to their new studio apartment in Oakland! DayBreak assisted with the rent, and with the help of Reverend Michael Jones from the Good Hope Resource Center we were able to help them with basic furniture for their new home.

We continue to support Ms. Mixon in her journey of caring for her mom, and are grateful for their trust and for allowing us to walk by their side and support them.

We wish to thank all of our amazing community partners, who work side by side with us to support our clients during these days. We are proud to be part of a compassionate and caring community of older adult providers in Alameda County!

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